Matawan Journal from Matawan, New Jersey (2024)

1 I Births Velpe Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vol221 Maple Keyport. are the parents daughter Thursday, Apr. 25, 1957 born, Monmouth Memorial Hos pital.

Bucce A SOD was born in Monmouth Memorial Hospital on Thursday, Apr. 26, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bucco, $3 18 Lower Main Haithco*ck Mr. and Mrs.

Malcolm Haithco*ck, 602 Lorillard Union Beach, are the parents of son, born Thursday, Apr. 25, 1957 in Riverview Hospital. Plant Specialist Second Class Robert G. Plant and Mrs. Plant, Brookside Trailer Court, Keyport, are the parents of a born Saturday, Apr.

27, 1957, in Fort Monmouth Hospital. Owens A son Was born in Monmouth Memorial Hospital On Monday, Apr. 29, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owens, Tennent Morganville.

The baby weighed eight pounds, three ounces, and has been named Robert Martin. DiPoalo Mr. and Mrs. John DiPoalo, 376 Lorraine Morgan, former Keyport residents, are the parents. of SOD, born Monday, Apr.

22, 1957, at South Amboy Hospital. The baby has been named John. Mr. and Mrs. DiPoala also have two daughters.

Cotton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cotton, 737 Prospect Laurence Harbor, are the parents of a daughter, born Tuesday, Apr. 23, 1957, in Monmouth Memorial Hospital. Mizell A son was born in Perth Amboy Hospital to Mr.

and Mrs. James Mizell, 303 Stone Union Beach. Staifa Mr. and Mrs. William Stalfa, 19 Rose Lane, Union Beach, are the parents of son, born Wednesday, Apr.

24, 1957 in Monmouth Memorial Hospital. Bork A daughter was born in Perth Amboy Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Bork, 805 South Concourse, Cliffwood Beach. Hecklemann Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Hecklemann, 815-10th Union Beach, are the parents of son born in Perth Amboy Hospital. Gaunt Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gaunt, 810 Sherwood Keyport, are the parents daughter, born in Perth boy Hospital.

Hazelet A daughter was born in South Amboy Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hazelet, 7 Bates Court, Madison Park. McNally Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth Nally, 9 Villanova Madison Park, are the parents of son, born in South Amboy Hospital. DR. LOUIS I. PRAGER OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED OFFICE HOURS Dally and Saturdays 9 A.M. to P.M.

Fridays A.M. to 0 P.M. Closed All Day Wednesdays 30 W. Front Keyport KEyport 7-2020 Couple Married In Red Bank MRS. JOSEPH RETTAGLIATA Miss Lena Trocchia, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Trocchia, 153 Chestnut Red Bank, became the bride of Joseph Rettagliata, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rettagliata, 35 Gaston Matawan, Sunday, Apr. 28, 1957, at 3:30 pm.

1 St. Anthony's Church, Red Bank. Msgr. A. J.

DiLorenzo officiated at the double ring ceremony. Miss Rose Pignataro was the soloist. She was accompanied at the organ by Mrs. Rose Famulary. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a formal gown designed with a pleated nylon tulle bodice over satin, trimmed with reembroidered Alencon lace appliques and long sleeves tapering to 8 point at the wrist.

The front of the skirt was made of nylon tulle with lace appliques and the back was covered with ruffles of lace and pleated tulle which flowed into a train. Her handrolled French illusion veil fell from a tiara of seed pearls, and she carried a white prayer book adorned with a white orchid and streamers of stephanotis. Miss Ann Trocchia, Red Bank, was her sister's maid of honor. She wore a lilac silk chiffon dress, with a princess bodice, portrait 1 neckline and full skirt worn, over matching petticoats, lilac braided straw picture hat with matching satin streamers and carried a basket of yellow roses and yellow snapdragons. The attendants were Miss Frances Trocchia and Mrs.

Mildred Trocchia, Red Bank, sisters of the bride; Mrs. Josephine Brown, Atlantic Zeller A 'son was born in South Amboy Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Zeller, 27 Madeline Old Bridge. Gartner Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Gartner, Temple Madison Park, are the parents of 1st and Mortgage Money Construction Loans "FAST DEPENDABLE SERVICE" Leonard Sklair Assoc. 200 Smith St. VAlley 6-7711 24-Hour Phone Service lands, sister-in-law of the bride; Miss Rosemarie Nicora, Matawan, niece of the bridegroom, and Miss Gerry Feranti, Long Branch. Their gowns were styled similarly to the honor attendant's in pink, nile green, maize, blue and aqua respectively.

They carried baskets of red roses and white snapdragons. Miss Donna Marie Trocchia, Red Bank, niece of the bride wore a lilac chiffon gown with princess bodice, portrait neckline, full skirt with matching picture hat and catried a basket of yellow roses and snapdragons. Anthony Bucco, Keyport, was the best man, and usher ing were Sal Trocchia, Red Bank, brother of the bride: Robert Loftus, Asbury Park; James Mizell, Union Beach; Albert Bharbaro and Sam Cernak, New York. Salvatore Schipani, Red Bank, was the ring bearer. The bride's mother wore a beige lace dress with matching shoes and accessories, black hat and gloves, mink stole and an orchid corsage.

The bridegroom's mother chose 8 powder blue lace dress with a white hat and gloves, black shoes and bag and a corsage of orchids. reception was held at the Hotel Isle Di Capri, Long tench, after which the couple left for a month's mo tor trip to California. For traveling, the bride wore a beige silk suit, a pink hat and accessories and a mink stole. The bride has been employ. ed by Bob and Irving, Asbury Park, and the bridegroom at the Signal Corps Laboratories, Fort Monmouth.

son, born in South Am boy Hospital. Edel A daughter was born in South Amboy Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edel, 630 Forest Laurence Harbor. Series Savings Bonds will pay three-and-one-quarter per cent interest, compounded semi-annually, when held to maturity.

The previous yield was three per cent, compounded semi-annually, when held to maturity. WANTED! Home Owners That Want To Save Money On Re-modeling No Salesman Deal With One Man 25 Years Experience NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL Kitchen Remodeling Room Addition Dormers Garages Breezeways Porch Enclosures Recreation Room Attic Conversions Roofing Siding NO DOWN PAYMENT 5 YEARS TO PAY STYLE Construction Co. Keansburg 6-2659 Call As Late As 9 P.M. Highway 36 and Main St. Port Monthouth Engagements Crowley-Balsart The engagement of Miss Pa tricia Anne Huisart, as aghue of Andrew J.

Hulsart, sr 110 Alston Red Bank, and toe late Mrs. Hulsart, to James Crowley, son of Mrs. Mare Crowley, 9 Eighth Keansburg, and the late Mr Crowley, has been announced by Mr. Hulsart. Miss Hulsart is a graduate of St.

Mary's High School. South Amboy, and is employed by the New Jersey Bell Telephone Keyport. Mr. Crowley is a graduate of Red Bank Catholic Higb School, and has served four years in the U. 8.

Navy. He presently 18 employed by the New Jersey Bell Telephone Red Bank.A fall wedding is being planned. Kavanaugh-Marotta Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Marotta, 214 Port Monmouth Rd.

Keansburg, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Barbara to Frederick T. Kavanaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Faddonfield.

Both Miss Marotta and Mr. Kavanaugh are servng in the U. S. Air Corps, and are stationed at McGuire Air Force Base Fort Dix. Miss Marotta attender Middletown Township Schools.

A fall wedding is planned. Funeral Services John E. Holobinko Funeral services were held Friday at 10 a.m. at St. Ann's Church, Keansburg, for John E.

Holobinko, 53, who died Tuesday, Apr. 23, 1957, at his home, 22 Beachway, Keansburg, after a long illness. The Bedle Funeral Home, Keyport, was in charge of arrangements. He was born in Madera, and had lived in Keansburg for 30 years. Surviving are his wife, Mrs.

Lillian (Gehlhaus) Holobinko; a son, Jone at home; his mother, Mrs. Helen N. Holobinko, Madera; three sisters. Miss Anna Holobinko, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Stephen Zolyak, Ramey, and Mrs.

Paul Malinak, Cleveland: three brothers, Michael, Cleveland, Joseph, Madera, and George, Keansburg. Mrs. Clarence Conover Funeral services were held Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Day Funeral Home, Keyport, with the Rev. Chester A.

Galloway, pastor of the First Presbytertan Church, Matawan, officiating for Mrs. Hazel Conover, 62, of 55 Broad Matawan, who died Tuesday, Apr. 23, 1957, -at Monmouth Memorial Hospital: Interment was Th Maplewood Cemetery, Freebold. She was born in Hoboken, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.

John L. Symes. She had lived in Matawan for the past 18 years. She was the wife of the late Clarence Conover. She is survived by one sister, Miss Ethel Symes, Wingdale, N.Y.; one step-daughter, Mrs.

Clarence Campbell, Freehold. Obituaries Mary Gale Mary Gale, infant daughter of Ronald and Anne (O'Neill) Gale, Old Tennent Morganville, died Saturday, Apr. 27, 1957, at Riverview Hospital, shortly after birth. Funeral services were held Monday at 11 a.m. at the Day Funeral Home, Keyport.

Interment was in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Keyport. Mrs. George B. Newman, Sr.

Mrs. Susan Newman, 48, of Route 18, Madison Township, died Thursday, Apr. 2 25, 1957, in South Amboy Hospital. She was a member of the Church of Our Saviour, Cheesequake. Surviving are her husband, George; a daughter, Miss Sue Ann Newman, Madison Township; two sons, George Madison Township; Bernard Dwyer, Glen Cove, L.

and two sisters, Mrs. Marguerite Noble, and Mrs. Alice Mo Evoy, both of Oyster Bay, L. 1. Funeral services were held Monday at 10:30 a.m.

at the Church of Our Saviour, Cheesequake, with the Rev. Henry A. Male, 'vicar of the church officiating. Interment was in Old Tennent Cemetery, The Bedle Funeral Ho me, Keyport, was in charge of arrangements. Miss Minnie A.

Gordon Miss Minnie A. Gordon, 60, died Saturday, Apr. 1957 at, per home, '16 Franklin Matawan. Born in Madison Township, she was the daughter of the late Courtney H. and Joanna (Garretson) Gordon.

She bad lived in Matawan for the past 15 years. Join Clothing Club W. S. WALLACE 24 FRONT ST. KEYPORT 7-0700 She was a member of the First Baptist Church.

Mata wan. Mis. Josie G. ravier, a SIs ter, is the only survivor. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m.

at be home, with the Rev. Law rence Basey, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Mat a WAD, ofticiating. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery. Matawan. The Bedle Funeral Home Matawan, was in charge of arrangements.

Raphael C. Devlin Raphael C. Devlin, 63. of 174 Main Matawan, died Thursday, Apr. 25, 1957, in Monmouth Memorial Hospital.

RAPHAEL C. DEVLIN after a short Illness. He was the widower of Mrs. Margaret (Fury) Devlin. Mr.

Devin was born in Matawan and lived in the bor ough all his life. He was the son of the late Patrick J. and Margaret (McGonigal) Devlin. He was a graduate of Georgetown University, Washington, D. a veteran of World War I and a past commander of American Legion Post 176.

Matawan. Mr. Devlin was appointed acting postmaster in Matawan on May 25, 1933, and regular postmaster on 10, 1934. He served as Matawan Postmaster until September 1947. He was the head of the Fifth War Loan Drive in Matawan during World War II and was communicant of St.

Joseph's Church, Keyport. He is survived by fo ur daughters Mrs. Everett Carlson, Mrs. Robert LaMura, Mrs. Frank Gray, Mrs.

George Deits, all of Matawan: two brothers. Dr Gerard Devlin and Henry Devlin, both of Matawan: sister, Mrs. LeRoy Sickles Matawan, and nine grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday at 8:30 a.m. at the Day Funeral Home, Keyport.

The Rev. Cornelius J. Kane. pastor, officiated at big requiem a.m. at St.

Joseph's Church. Intern.ent was in the church cemetery with the Rev. Eugene Kelly, pastor at Christ 'the King Church, Manville, formerly curate of St. Joseph's. in charge.

Pallbearers were Joseph Den.psey, Thomas Welstead, Metawan Police Chief John J. Flood, Joseph Baler, Fred M. Burlew, and Rensselaer L. Cartan. Mrs.

George F. Tillon Mrs. Dorothy Tilton, 78, of 100 Ramsey Keansburg, died Friday, Apr. 26, 1957 at the Seabronk Hill Nursing Home, Keyport. Born in New York, she had lived in Keans burg for 46 years.

She the widow of George F. TILton, Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Beaman and Mrs. Jennie Barshafsky, both of Keansburg; a son, Richard Carney, also of Keansburg, and three grandchil dren. Funeral services were held Monday at 1:30 p.m.

at the Bedle Funeral Home, Key port, with the Rev. Dr. HIll: man T. Williams, pastor of Calvary Methodist Chur h. Keyport, officiating.

Inter ment was in Green Grove Cemetery, Keyport. Mrs. John G. Tietjen Mrs. Margaret (Grell) Tiet- jen, 86, of 120 Broad Matawan, widow of John G.

Tietjen, died Saturday, Apr. 27, 1957, at her home follow ing short illness. Born 'n Brooklyn, Mrs. TietJen lived in Rahway for 15 years prior to movi: to Matawan four years ago to make her home with a daughter, Mrs. Charles Clinton.

Mrs. Tietjen also leaves Another daughter, Mrs. George Armstrong, Nutley, five grandchildren aLe grandehild. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. from her home Services also were held at 11 a.m.

at the Gethse mane Lutheran Church, Key port, with the Rev, Frederick Boos, pastor, officiating. In terment was in the Lutheran Cemetery, Middle Village N. Y. George C. Tompkins George Canfield Tompkins, 55, of 131 Keansburg, died Saturday, Apr.

27, 1957 in Monmouth Memorial Hospital. He was born in Passaic. He had lived in West Keansburg for eight years. He was member of St. Ann's Church, Keansburg.

also was a member of the International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers. Local 417, Red Bank. He had been employed at Bendix Aviation Red Bank Divi sion, 88 clerk. for five years. Surviving wife, Mrs.

Elizabeth (Harkness? Tom kins: three sons, John a William Adam, both of East Keansburg: Richard, West Keansburg: two daughters. Mrs. Raymond Flood, a st Keansburg: Miss Catherine Tompkins, West Keansburg: three brother, John, Yonkers. N. Edward, Garfield: Al bert.

Florida, and five grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 9 a.m. al St Ann's Church, with the Rev Edward Corrigan as brant. Olivet Cemetery, Interment was in Middletown Mt. Township.

The John J. Ryan Home for Funerals, Keansburg, was In charge of Atrangements. James F. Fowler James F. Fowler 69.

of 37 Bay East Keansburg. died Thursday, Apr. 25, 1957 at Monmouth Memorial Hospi til. Mr. Fowler was born in Hoboken.

He had lived in East. Keansburg for nine years. He was retired from the Hoboken Fire Department in 1945 after 28 years of service. He was employed by the Hanover Bank, New York, until 1953. Mr.

Fowler was a member of the Firemen's Mutual Benevolent Association, Hoboken. He was member of St. THE (MATAWAN JOURNAL May 1957 Page Thirteen Catherine's Church, East. Keansburg. Surviving are his wife, Katherine: four daughters, Mrs.

Helen Kleiber, Keen burg; Mrs. Mary Berry, Sea Bright; Mrs. Catherine Meginley, Belford: Mrs. Elizabeth Misson, Atlantic Highlands; five grandchildren; a stepson, Clifford Conway, Union City: two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Kiely, Hoboken, and Mrs.

Dorothy Lester Middietown Township. Funeral services wete held Monday at 9 a.m. at St. Catherine's Church, East Keansburg. with the Rev.

Thaddeus Wolclehowski, celebrant. Interment was In Hoboken Cemetery, North Bergen. The John J. Ryan Home for Funerals, Keansburg, was in charge of arrangements. "Help Wanted Ads in this paper tell you about the good lobs open BOTTLED GAS You Get Clean, Quick Heat For Cooking Prompt, Efficient Service KEYPORT GAS CO.

Attiltate of KEYPORT LUMBER SUPPLY CO. Tel. Matawan 1-1872 Cliffwood. N. J.

THOUSANDS ASKED FOR NOW IT'S HERE! 2 GUVS A FROM HARRISON HOME IMPROVEMENT DIVISION Yes, in response to thousands of re: quests from our customers we have now entered the Home Improvement field. We have been planning for months, hiring only the finest mechanics and engineers, buying the finest materials available anywhere. If you have ever done business with 2 GUYS FROM HARRISON we fell confident that you are our best advertisem*nt. Our same courteous, friendly, and dependable service will, of course, be carried out in our new division. EVERY TYPE HOME IMPROVEMENT! PLUMBING HEATING Dormers Room Additions Modern Kitchens Electrical Work Masonry Garages NO DOWN PAYMENT NO PAYMENT TILL NOV.


Matawan Journal from Matawan, New Jersey (2024)


What is Matawan, NJ famous for? ›

Matawan's primary historic site is the Maj. John Burrowes Mansion museum located on Main Street, a 1723 Georgian style mansion that housed Maj. John Burrowes, a Revolutionary War major.

How old is Matawan, NJ? ›

Town History

Matawan was formed as a borough on June 28, 1895, from portions of Matawan Township (now Aberdeen Township). Matawan expanded with portions of Matawan Township and from Madison Township (now Old Bridge Township). Town was founded by Dutch in 17th century (Matawan celebrated a TriCentennial in 1980s).

What celebrities are from Matawan NJ? ›

  • Steven Goldstein. Actor The Untouchables (1987) Steven Goldstein was born on 22 October 1963 in Matawan, New Jersey, USA. ...
  • Howard Kremer. Writer. Actor. ...
  • Inger Lorre. Actress. Additional Crew. ...
  • Terry Deitz. Survivor (2006–2015) ...
  • William DeVizia. Director. ...
  • Margot Leitman. Actress.

What is the ethnicity of Matawan? ›

Matawan Demographics

White: 74.11% Black or African American: 11.93% Two or more races: 8.57% Asian: 2.99%

What is the oldest town in New Jersey? ›

Rich in history, Jersey City first founded in 1660 by the Dutch and was originally called Netherlands, Hudson, Paulus Hook, or in Dutch, “hoeck” meaning Point of Land. Jersey City is considered to be the oldest city in New Jersey and the birthplace of our nations Religious Freedom and the right to own land.

What is the crime rate in Matawan NJ? ›

Matawan's overall rate of crime is sufficiently low that NeighborhoodScout's analysis shows the borough to be one of the safest in both New Jersey and the nation. Matawan's crime rate is just 0 per 1,000 people, which means that a person's chance of becoming a victim in Matawan is one in 2400.

What is the youngest town in New Jersey? ›

New Jersey's fastest growing town is also its youngest. The burgeoning population of Lakewood in Ocean County has a median age of just 18.4 among its nearly 134,000 residents. No other town comes close, recently released Census data shows.

Is Matawan NJ a good area? ›

Matawan's overall rate of crime is sufficiently low that NeighborhoodScout's analysis shows the borough to be one of the safest in both New Jersey and the nation.

Are Matawan NJ schools good? ›

Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District is a highly rated, public school district located in ABERDEEN, NJ. It has 3,950 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 13 to 1. According to state test scores, 43% of students are at least proficient in math and 56% in reading.

Why is it called Shark River NJ? ›

The origin of the name Shark River is unknown. Some locals will claim the inlet got its name from a shark found in the river during the 1800s, while others believe the name is from the shark teeth commonly found upstream. The bridge above the estuary was constructed in 1933, costing around $400,000 to build.

What is Monmouth County NJ known for? ›

Monmouth County is known as the heart of the Jersey Shore, but it offers far more than just 27 miles of sandy beaches for summer vacationers. You'll find historical attractions, shopping, fine dining, abundant parks, excellent golfing, great schools, local theatre, and walkable neighborhoods.


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.